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Terms & conditions

I. General Provisions

II. Conclusion of the Contract
III. Goods and Prices Thereof
IV. Payment for the Goods
V. Delivery of the Goods
VI. Return of the Goods
VII. Final Provisions


I. General Provisions

1.1. The present rules (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) shall be drawn up with a view to guaranteeing your (hereinafter referred to as the “Purchaser”) rights and the rights of Vilkma (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”) selling the goods in the e-store (hereinafter referred to as the “Store”), setting forth the duties, liability of both parties and other provisions in relation to purchase-sale of goods in the Store.

1.2. Detailed information on the Seller of the goods shall be provided in the section “Contact Us” in the e-Store.

1.3. The Rules shall be applicable when the Purchaser uses the e-Store in any manner or form, i.e. familiarises himself/herself with the range of the goods offered in the Store, draws up an order for goods, provides personal or other details, effects a payment for the ordered goods, reads and comments on information available in the Store and/or carries out other actions in relation to use of the e-Store and the offers put forward by the Seller in the Store.

1.4. Before starting using the e-Store and the offers made therein by the Seller, the Purchaser shall be obliged to carefully read and familiarise himself/herself with the present Rules. By purchasing goods in the e-Store the Purchaser shall certify that he/she accepts the Rules.

1.5. The Seller shall be released from any liability in cases where losses or other adverse consequences arise as a result of a failure to familiarise with the Rules, recommendations or provided information available in the e-Store by the Purchaser although he/she had such possibility.

1.6. The Seller shall reserve the right to unilaterally at any time amend the Rules by publishing the amended Rules on the website of the e-Store. The amendments shall come into force as of the moment of publication thereof and shall be valid to all transactions entered into after the publication.


II. Conclusion of the Contract

2.1. The contracts for purchase and sale of goods (hereinafter referred to as the “Contracts”) in the e-Store shall be concluded in an electronic form. When concluding the Contracts with the Purchasers the Seller shall follow the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania and the Rules for Sale of Products and Provision of Services where the Contract is Concluded by Means of Communication approved by Order No 258 of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania of 17 August 2001.

2.2. The following persons shall be entitled to purchase in the e-Store of the Seller: natural entities having the legal capacity; minors from fourteen year old to eighteen year old with the consent of their parents or guardians, except for the cases where they are entitled to independently dispose of their income; legal entities; and the authorised representatives of all afore-mentioned persons. By accepting the present Rules the Purchaser shall confirm that he/she is entitled to purchase in the e-Store of the Seller.

2.3. The Contract for purchase and sale of the goods between the Purchaser and the Seller shall be deemed to be concluded and shall come into force as of the moment when the Purchaser forms a basket of goods, indicates the address for delivery of goods and other necessary details, selects the way of payment, familiarises and confirms his/her acceptance with the present Rules and clicks on the link “Confirm the order” in the e-Store. In cases where the Purchaser does not accept all or any Rules, he/she must not place his/her order for goods.

2.4. After conclusion of the Contract for purchase and sale of goods the Seller shall additionally send to the Purchaser an automatic electronic notification of receipt of the order placed by the Purchaser specifying the goods, precise number and prices thereof and the assigned order number. The notification shall be sent by the e-mail address specified in the Purchaser’s registration form or the form of the placed order.

2.5. The present Rules, the descriptions of delivery, payment and return of goods published in the e-Store and constituting an integral part of the present Rules as well as information on the Seller and the electronic notification of receipt of the order sent by the Seller to the Purchaser shall be deemed to constitute an integral part of the Contract between the Purchaser and the Seller.

2.6. Every Contract between the Purchaser and the Seller concluded by electronic means shall be stored in the online database of the e-Store.

2.7. The Contract between the Purchaser and the Seller shall remain in force till full discharge of the obligations hereunder by the parties or till expiry thereof in accordance with the procedure prescribed herein.


III. Goods and Prices Thereof

3.1. The characteristics of each sold good shall be specified in the description of the respective good in the e-Store. The Seller shall not be liable if the colour, shape or other parameters of the goods available in the e-Store does not conform to the real colour, shape or other parameters of the goods due to the characteristics and/or settings of the display used by the Purchaser.

3.2. The Seller shall be entitled at any moment to change the range of goods offered in the e-Store without giving a notice to the Purchaser.

3.3. The price of each sold good shall be indicated in EUR and shall be specified at the respective good in the e-Store, formed order of the Purchaser and the electronic notification of receipt of the order sent by the Seller to the Purchaser. The Seller shall undertake to sell the goods at the prices valid at the moment of placing the Purchaser’s order to the Seller.

3.4. The price of the good shall include the value added tax (VAT).

3.5. The Seller shall be entitled at its own discretion to establish the minimum size of the basket of goods, i.e. the minimum amount as the threshold for execution of the Purchaser’s order.


IV. Payment for the Goods

4.1. The Purchaser shall settle accounts for the goods and delivery thereof in one of the following ways:

4.1.1. via the payment system Stripe.

4.2. In case of payment for the goods by banking services, the Purchaser may be subject to commission fees and/or other fees applicable for the carried out transactions.

4.3. The Seller shall start fulfilling the order for goods placed by the Purchaser only upon receipt of full payment for the goods and delivery thereof (except for the case where the Purchaser chooses payment for the goods in cash at the moment of delivery of the goods). The payment shall be deemed to be effected when the total amount due is received and credited in the Seller’s bank account.

4.4. If the Purchaser chooses to pay in cash at the moment of delivery of the goods, the Purchaser shall settle accounts with the Seller for the goods and delivery thereof when the goods are delivered at the address specified by the Purchaser, prior to transfer of the goods to the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall settle accounts with the Seller by handing over the exact amount of cash necessary for full settlement with the Seller.

4.5. The Seller shall undertake to provide the Purchaser with all necessary and correct information required for payment for the goods and the services of delivery thereof. Nevertheless, the Seller shall not assume any liability for the services improperly provided by the banks the services of which were used for payment by the Purchaser to the Seller and related losses. Furthermore, the Seller shall not assume any liability arising for the mistakes made by the Purchaser in forming and executing the payment order (for example, incorrectly indicated/typed account number, incorrectly indicated order number etc.) and related losses and/or other adverse consequences.


V. Delivery of the Goods

5.1. In all cases, the Seller shall be released from liability for delay to deliver the goods if goods are not delivered to the Purchaser or are delivered to the Purchaser in a non-timely manner through the fault of the Purchaser or due to the circumstances under control of the Purchaser.

5.2. If delivery of the goods is delayed for more than 30 (thirty) business days not through the fault of the Purchaser or the circumstances related to the Purchaser and the parties fail to reach an agreement on extension of the time limits for delivery of the goods or replacement of the ordered goods with analogous goods or other goods available in the e-Store, the Purchaser shall be entitled to withdraw from the Contract (by giving a notice to the Seller by the e-mail address of the e-Store, whereas the Seller shall undertake to repay to the Purchaser the money paid by the latter (if such payment has been made) within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of withdrawal from the Contract. The money shall be repaid to the bank account from which the payment was made or to another account indicated by the Purchaser in the Purchaser’s notice of withdrawal from the Contract.

5.3. The goods shall be delivered on business days from Monday to Friday at the time agreed with the Purchaser in advance.

5.4. In the event of a failure to deliver and transfer the goods to the Purchaser at the agreed time through the Purchaser’s fault or due to the circumstances under his/her control (for example, if after delivery of the goods at the address indicated by the Purchaser it becomes evident that the address of delivery has been incorrectly indicated or neither the Purchaser nor any other person that could accept the goods was found at the indicated address etc.), the Seller or, at the Seller’s direction, the Courier shall additionally contact the Purchaser and agree on the new time of delivery acceptable to both parties. The Seller shall be entitled to request that the Purchaser paid an extra delivery fee for such repeated delivery of goods. Should the Purchase fail to unreasonably accept the goods at the moment of repeated delivery thereof, the Purchaser shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the Contract and the Purchaser’s order shall be cancelled by giving a notice to the Purchaser in his/her registration form or by the e-mail address indicated in the form of the placed order. In such case, the Seller shall undertake to repay to the Purchaser the money paid by the latter in advance (if such payment has been made) within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of withdrawal from the Contract by deducting all fees for the carried out deliveries of the goods from the repayable amount. The money shall be repaid to the bank account from which the payment has been made.

5.5. After delivery of the goods at the address indicated by the Purchaser, the goods shall be handed over to the Purchaser or any other person present at the address specified by the purchaser. The Purchaser shall certify that he/she understands that any person present at the address for delivery of the goods indicated by the Purchaser (hereinafter referred to as the “Representative of the Purchaser”) is deemed to be the appropriate person for acceptance of the goods.


VI. Return of Goods

6.1. The Buyer shall be entitled to withdraw from the Purchase and Sales Agreement entered into at the e-Store by notifying the Seller within 14 (fourteen) days from the receipt of the goods by sending an email to

6.2. The Buyer shall be entitled to exercise the right to withdraw from the Purchase and Sales Agreement provided for in Paragraph 6.1. hereof only in case the returned goods meet the following requirements:

6.2.1. goods cannot be worn, damaged or otherwise used, and must maintain its product value;

6.2.2. goods must be returned in the original manufacturer’s package (packaging may be changed only as much as it was necessary to examine the goods) and maintain its product appearance;

6.2.3. goods must have all sewn or otherwise attached labels.

6.3. Before return, the Buyer must fill in a return note printed on the other side of the invoice, to pack the parcel properly together with the purchase documents and inform Customer Service Department about the intention for return according to Paragraph 6.1.

6.4. Upon receipt of the filled-in return note for return, replacement or refund, the Seller issues a refund for the goods (except shipment costs) to the Buyer within 14 business days provided the returned items meet the requirements specified in Paragraph 6.2 of the Rules.

6.5. Return (replacement) of high quality goods after more than 14 (fourteen) business days from the date of delivery of the goods shall be subject to the Rules for Return and Replacement of Items approved by Order No. 217 of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania issued June 29, 2001 and the provisions set forth in Paragraphs 6.2.– 6.5. hereof.

6.6. In the event of the sale of poor quality goods, the Buyer shall be provided for in the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania and the Rules for Return and Replacement of Items approved by Order No 217 of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania issued June 29, 2001 taking into account the provisions set forth in Paragraphs 6.3. – 6.5. hereof.


VII. Final Provisions

7.1. If the Purchaser attempts to undermine and/or has undermined the smooth and/or stable operation of the e-Store or breaches his/her obligations, the Seller shall be entitled at any to restrict or suspend (terminate) the Purchaser’s possibility to use the e-Store services without giving a prior notice.

7.2. The Seller shall be entitled to suspend (terminate) the operation of the Store on a temporary basis or for an unlimited period without giving a notice to the Purchaser.

7.3. In case of comments or recommendations of the Purchaser, the Purchase shall be liable that any information was correct, precise, not misleading in any other manner, did not violate the rights of third persons and the requirements of the legislation of Lithuania. If the Purchaser comments and sends recommendations, he/she shall assume liability for his/her actions.

7.4. The Seller shall reserve the right at any moment to delete any comments made by the Purchaser.

7.5. The Purchaser and the Seller shall agree that all information provided on the website of the e-Store (including, but not limited to the present Rules, descriptions of delivery of goods, payment for goods and return of goods, information on the Seller, the goods for sale and characteristics thereof etc.) shall be deemed to be provided to the Purchaser in writing.

7.6. The Seller shall send all notices of any kind to the Purchaser at the e-mail address indicated in his/her registration form or the placed order form.

7.7. The Purchaser shall send all notices, enquiries, complaints of any kind etc. to the e-mail address of the Seller’s e-Store The Purchaser shall also be entitled to apply to the Seller at the Seller’s business address Deltuvos g. 21, LT-20127 Ukmergė, Lithuania or Bíldshöfða 16, 110 Reykjavík, Iceland.

7.8. The present Rules shall not restrict and in no way shall be interpreted as restricting the rights of the Purchaser (consumer) provided for in the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania. The present Rules shall be drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania. The Contract for purchase and sale of goods between the Purchaser and the Seller shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

7.9. All disagreements between the Purchaser and the Seller arising out of or in relation to the Contract for purchase and sale of goods shall be resolved by negotiations of the parties. In the event of a failure to reach an agreement, disagreements shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.



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